Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thing 11: SlideShare

I have been making PowerPoints and giving presentations since middle school. It is the only thing technology-wise that I am truly comfortable doing! I feel like I could really do a PowerPoint and publish it using SlideShare on a wiki or blog and be proud of what I did.

Thing 10: Screencasts

I love the idea of screencasts! Being technologically challenged, I would love to look at some "How-to" screencasts for technology. I would personally use it to show Spanish-speaking parents how to navigate the parent spaces on the Batesville Schools website. I think the possibilities are endless.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Embedding a Video on a Blog

I am so glad I finally learned how to embed a video onto my blog! On my last blogpost I had difficulty posting my Flickr name and I learned how today! This will be so beneficial for the classroom because you can embed a YouTube video on a blog and show it in the classroom! Very exciting skill to have!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thing 8: Mashups

I have always loved those pictures you see of letters in found objects that spell "Dream" or "Believe" or can spell someone's name but I had no idea I could make my own using spell with Flickr. It is very fun to play with and has some really cool possibilities in the Spanish classroom by making weekly vocabulary words not seem so mundane and it takes almost no time to type in the word and copy the link to where ever you would like it to go. I think this is my favorite "Thing" yet.